One Month App

Ship your SaaS MVP to Customers in One Month.

You read that correctly. One month. Your SaaS app. Ready for first customers.
Brian Casel
A product development service
by Brian Casel.
(That's me. Hi )
“Launching my MVP with Brian was a breeze. I trust him to make the right design and product choices every step of the way. He just gets it.”
Louis Nicholls, founder of SparkLoop
Louis Nicholls
Founder, SparkLoop
“Brian delivers a ton of value, communicates well and delivers high quality work on schedule. You want Brian on your team.”
Matt Cassarino
Matt Cassarino
Founder of TourVista

One month is plenty.

No new startup idea is worth spending multiple months (and tens hundreds of thousands of dollars) on building the first version that customers can use.

Our proven approach will ensure your product’s first version delivers its core promise in a clean, simple, and modern SaaS app—without all the bells and whistles (those can come later).

Brian (that’s me, hi ) and my small team have a proven approach to designing, building and shipping SaaS apps to customers in a cost-efficient way—without sacrificing quality.

Minimum Viable Product— Not minimum Quality.

No, we’re not duct-taping a half-baked no-code solution and calling it a SaaS app.

No, this isn’t a throway prototype that you’ll need to rebuild later.

The very first version of your product—your MVP will be a fully functional, high quality SaaS application that not only delivers your product’s core promise, but also lays a solid foundation for the many iterations to come.

User-friendly UI and UX?
Fast, modern software stack?
Mobile-friendly & accessible everywhere?
Of course.
Future-proof & flexible for iteration?

How can it only take a month?

Our unique “3-S” approach delivers your MVP in a month:

Scope. Stack. Speed.

Let's unpack:


Before we begin, we’ll meet to nail down the scope of your MVP, focusing tightly on building your product's core value first. (You might call this your product's “job to be done”). It can involve some hard decisions about what to save for later, but our goal is simple: Deliver an MVP that your customers can use and get value from on day one.


Having built many SaaS apps on our battle-tested tech stack, we’ve developed our own internal starter SaaS app template, which includes all of our most common features and custom-designed UI components. That means less (or zero) time spent on boring (but necessary) structural work, and all of our time focused on building your product's core features.

More on our tech stack...

Our tech stack includes:

  • Ruby on Rails
  • TailwindCSS
  • Hotwire, Turbo & StimulusJS
  • hosting

Our starter app template includes:

  • Modern & clean interface
  • Mobile responsive
  • Dark mode & light mode
  • UI components for menus, dropdowns, popovers, modals, and more.
  • User logins (authentication)
  • Accounts & teams
  • Lots more time-saving groundwork built-in...

Once we start, we move fast. We’ve dialed in our workflow, delivery and communication to keep everything on time and on spec, with no bloat.

More on our efficient workflow

Here's what this looks like in practice:

  • Fewer cooks in the kitchen = Dinner’s always on time.
    ...And tastes great too. Brian mostly works solo, occassionally bringing on 1 dev to assist.
  • Async communication
    We’ll use Clarityflow (Brian’s SaaS) for async video messaging throughout our project. Every week, you’ll receive multiple updates on progress where you can see the app coming together, and you can offer real-time feedback.
  • No spinning our wheels.
    We don’t waste time with redundant Figma mockups or excessive planning meetings. We get straight to work in the browser, building your fully functional app and iterating as we go.

MVP in a month… And then what?

We won’t leave you hanging! Once your MVP is in the hands of your first customers, that’s only the beginning.

You’ve got options:

“Keep the lights on” retainer

Our lowest-cost retainer where we’ll be available to monitor your app’s up-time, and a small batch of hours for quick bug fixes if/when they arise.

“Keep building” retainer

Got more features to add? You’ll have a priority spot for Brian & his team’s ongoing development retainer for active product development sprints.

Pause, regroup and continue when ready

After your initial build, if you need to take time for customer development and regrouping for your next phase, that’s great. We’ll standby and make ourselves available when you’re ready to keep going.

Hand-off to your team

Hired your own in-house dev team? We’re happy to assist with a smooth hand-off of all the technical assets and training that your team will need to take the reigns on the codebase.

Let's compare...

One Month App is just one (of many) options you have when it comes to developing your SaaS product. I may be biased, but I think it's your best option ;)

Let's break it down...

Hire an agency
Expensive! Even low-cost overseas teams add up over (lots of) time.
One Month App
High quality work in a fraction of the time (cost).
Hire an agency
Takes way too much time. Bloated scopes and redundant workflows.
One Month App
One. Month. App.
Hire an agency
They "do it all" but lack the experience of a startup founder.
One Month App
Specific experience in shipping SaaS product MVPs, again and again.
Hire an agency
Can leave you hanging (or cost too much) to maintain your app over time.
One Month App
Offers ongoing, low-cost retainers to keep the lights on or keep building.
No code "app"
Limited in what you can actually build.
One Month App
Custom software development. Anything is possible.
No code "app"
Notorious for clunky user experience.
One Month App
Professionally designed, pixel-perfect UI and UX.
No code "app"
Won't last long and you'll need to rebuilt it (and stop all momentum).
One Month App
Your MVP is your solid application base to build and grow.
No code "app"
Can be just as expensive, if not more than custom development.
One Month App
The most cost-efficient option for custom SaaS development.
Hire dev(s)
Salaries are more competitive than ever.
One Month App
Far less expensive, with far more results in less time.
Hire dev(s)
A risky long-term commitment when your product is pre-revenue.
One Month App
Build and ship your MVP (quickly), then learn and move forward. No long-term commitments.
Hire dev(s)
Most devs lack UI and UX design skills.
One Month App
Full UI & UX design service is included (we even offer that as a stand-alone service ).
Hire dev(s)
Developers need to be managers in order to deliver consistent results.
One Month App
No managers needed! Just clear communication every step of the way.
“Brian's eye for UI/UX made it easy to focus on what really matters and craft a great experience for our customers.”
Andy Baldacci, CEO at SaberSim
Andy Baldacci
CEO at SaberSim
“Brian helped us craft a custom UI to help our customers import complex data when onboarding. With his help, our team is shipping in weeks something that's been on the roadmap for years. Brian provides guidance, clean code, and a professional's eye that makes this an easy partnership.”
Jon, SaaS Founder
SaaS Founder
"I've worked with dozens of website designers over 25 years and Brian is without a doubt the best. He adds a ton of value, communicates well and delivers high quality work on schedule. You want Brian on your team."
Matt Cassarino, Founder, TourVista
Matt Cassarino
Founder, TourVista
“Launching my MVP with Brian was a breeze. I trust him to make the right design and product choices every step of the way. He just gets it.”
Louis Nicholls, founder of SparkLoop
Louis Nicholls
Founder, SparkLoop

See a few samples

I love to "build in public"—and if we work together, I'd love to share your UI project too! (With your permission, of course).

“Brian's eye for UI/UX made it easy to focus on what really matters and craft a great experience for our customers.”
Andy Baldacci, CEO at SaberSim
Andy Baldacci
CEO at SaberSim
“Brian helped us craft a custom UI to help our customers import complex data when onboarding. With his help, our team is shipping in weeks something that's been on the roadmap for years. Brian provides guidance, clean code, and a professional's eye that makes this an easy partnership.”
Jon, SaaS Founder
SaaS Founder
"I've worked with dozens of website designers over 25 years and Brian is without a doubt the best. He adds a ton of value, communicates well and delivers high quality work on schedule. You want Brian on your team."
Matt Cassarino, Founder, TourVista
Matt Cassarino
Founder, TourVista
“Launching my MVP with Brian was a breeze. I trust him to make the right design and product choices every step of the way. He just gets it.”
Louis Nicholls, founder of SparkLoop
Louis Nicholls
Founder, SparkLoop

Flat, predictable pricing.

2024 Pricing

The current price for one-month SaaS MVP development is $10k.

Additional weeks of development are priced weekly.

Current availability and future pricing is subject to change. Inquire to discuss your project.

Get in Touch

More info... In FAQ form.

Who's behind One Month App?

That would be me, Brian Casel ( Hi ).

I'm a multi-time SaaS founder, product designer and full-stack developer. I'm also the co-host of the Bootstrappd Web podcast, a long-running show that fellow SaaS founders seem to like :)

After years of grinding on my own products, I decided to open up this consultancy so that I could collaborate on other products and sharpen my chops in the process.

Which tech stack do you build with?

All apps are built using the following stack:

  • Ruby on Rails 7
  • TailwindCSS
  • Stimulus JS
  • hosting

This is our go-to stack, which ensures our most efficient and effective delivery. We can discuss variations, but this may impact our scope and timeframe.

What if our features call for more than one month of development time?

We'll start by working with you to define a tightly scoped, one-month version of your app. This is focused on the most essential feature(s) to deliver your product's main promise.

If more features are needed or if additional technical research is required, then we'll discuss this up front as a potential extension to the project.

Can we see design mockups or wireframes before coding begins?

We don't do full mockups or wireframes, as it's often more efficient to build the fully functional UI direclty in the app (our starter template has a strong UI look & feel built-in).

Occassionally, we'll do simple wireframes to illustrate more complex or unique interfaces before we build.

Is there a warranty on the delivered code?

For 30 days after we deliver the finished MVP, we will make any and all bug fixes on the features we've built.

Should you need ongoing support, bug fixing, or monitoring, we offer our "keep the lights on" retainer. Get in touch to discuss current pricing.

Who owns the code?


Throughout the project and after deliver, you maintain full ownership over the codebase, the repository, the database and servers.

We also need a simple marketing website and brand. Can you help?

Yes, we also offer site design services, including simple 1-page static marketing sites. This can be added as an extension to our project. Get in touch to discuss current pricing.

We also offer a dedicated UI & UX design service, which you learn more about here.

Will you be available later on, when we need to re-engage?

Yes. All past clients will get priority access to our retainers and ongoing services.

While Brian is the primary designer, developer and manager on all projects, he works with a small team, which grows as our capacity continues to increase.

How do we communicate throughout our projects?

We can start with a live call, but almost all communication after that happens asynchronously.

In fact, Brian is the founder (and product designer) of Clarityflow , a SaaS specifically made for async messaging using video, screen, and texts. My clients and I love the flexibility and efficiency of async. Prefer Loom? You can record and embed Looms right inside Clarityflow too.

But don't worry, we can have the occasional live call too.

How do I inquire about availability?

Send Brian an email to inquire about a project or ask any other questions.

Availability is limited and I often book projects out at least a month in advance. Get in touch to discuss current availability.

Get your One Month App

Contact Brian to inquire about getting started with One Mont App.

Availability is limited and projects are often booked at least a month in advance. Let's chat to discuss :)

Get in touch

More from Brian Casel

UI Design Service:
Personal site & portfolio
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